
Information about the design and materials used on iPhone 5s (Lastest)

The operating system and applications

     For the iPhone 5s are the newest operating system iOS 6, which will be changed in a matter of different functions, including the removal of some apps length away. We see more details about iOS 6 do better.

Increased ability of Siri 

     Siri can outage In addition, many more languages ​​have been added to Siri's ability to understand commands. Is even more Example Asking Lyrics Or ask for information Results of various competitions

New application Apple Map and Google Map-cracking out

     For Apple Map can be used in conjunction with GPS to function apps for Turn-By-Turn navigation, and you can view the map in 3 dimensions (3D) with (a map in some countries).

Facebook on iOS 6

     After iOS 5, the way Apple has taken Twitter to a part of the function on the latest iOS of Apple has embraced Facebook as a part of the function on the iOS 6. was completed as well

A New application Passbook

     An application that will help facilitate the check-in, or for scanning Border Pass or pay the shops that support the focused use 2D Barcode because you can crawl through in one.

iOS 6 will no apps with Youtube

     Recently, Apple has removed an app, Youtube is due on the contract expires but the user still can watch Youtube videos through the Browser as usual.

Facetime applications over a network, 3G 

     Many people are waiting for that when Apple's Facetime will be enabled through mobile phone networks, it can be done, and the most recent, on iOS 6

     This is also the only part of several functions increased in iOS 6, which in addition to the changes mentioned above. Also changed little even apps length for Phone Call - out. Ever It also has changed the interface a little too many points.

iPhone 5S Price

For the launch of the iPhone 5s are the same price as the iPhone 4S launch, sure enough, by comparing prices from the site Apple iPhone 5s, Gold 16GB Price $ 687.00 & FREE Shipping ( from www.amazon.com. ) detail.

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